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This committee has one representative from each of the four classes. A year one student is elected to the committee when the class begins its year one and appointment is continuous until graduation. One student is elected by each class to serve on this committee, which reviews the functions and services of the library and makes recommendations regarding acquisitions. Students rotate off the committee upon graduation. The Student Progress Committee SPC is a standing School of Medicine committee which is responsible for monitoring the progress of all students through the curriculum. The SPC shall function under the Student Progress System as an advisory body to the dean. The responsibilities of the committee are to monitor student progress, identify problem areas, assist students in dealing with these problems, and determine whether the established standards of academic conduct have been met. The SPC may delegate any or all of its responsibilities to an appointed subcommittee or subcommittees. The Parking Committee must meet twice each year or as necessary to prepare and submit recommendations for needed revisions and additions to the regulations governing the use of parking areas and roadways for the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine and associated monetary use charges. The Appeals Board shall establish its own procedures for due process which must be approved by Associate Legal Counsel for the School of Medicine for reviewing any parking violation that is being disputed by the recipient of the violation. The Board shall have the authority to affirm any sanction imposed under these regulations or determine no sanctions were required under these regulations.

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One way is by changing the font color itself. This increases the detectability, especially on text centric sites, where there are few colors or other graphical elements in close proximity to the text. The downside of changing font color is the same as with italic: it reduces the contrast compared to black text on a white background, and therefore makes it harder to read. The darker the color is the less notable the effect is, as it no longer stands out from the general text. When using this method then only have a few different colors, and generally use desaturated colors. Another approach is to use a text background color as a highlight.

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